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判断:房价今后二三十年将稳定上涨  2005-06-20 10:01
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[108428] 天津市 网友: 于2005-06-21 14:49 发表评论:


[108378] CZ88.NET 网友:visitor 于2005-06-21 07:45 发表评论:

  In Beijing and Shanghai,the housing price is now even higher than America,who said this is normal?? A 3 bedroom house (about 160-180sm)in most parts of the only about $200,000(= RMB1,700,000)which has 2-3 bathrooms,2 car garage and a backyard.same kind of house in BJ and SH will be about RMB 3millions or higher.Do Chinese make more money than Americans? Of cousre not,American average income is 8-10 times of Chinese.But why our housing is so expensive? The developers have made too much money.Reasonable price in BJ and SH should be around rmb 4000 - 6000/sm,in Tianjin, it should be around rmb 2500-3500/SM.People,Don't buy until they drop the price!!!!!!!!!!

[108377] CZ88.NET 网友:visitor 于2005-06-21 07:42 发表评论:

  In Beijing and Shanghai,the housing price is now even higher than America,who said this is normal?? A 3 bedroom house (about 160-180sm)in most parts of the only about $200,000(= RMB1,700,000)which has 2-3 bathrooms,2 car garage and a backyard.same kind of house in BJ and SH will be about RMB 3millions or higher.Do Chinese make more money than Americans? Of cousre not,American average income is 8-10 times of Chinese.But why our housing is so expensive? The developers have made too much money.Reasonable price in BJ and SH should be around rmb 4000 - 6000/sm,in Tianjin, it should be around rmb 2500-3500/SM.People,Don't buy until they drop the price!!!!!!!!!!

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